British Angora Goat Society (BAGS)
The British Angora Goat Society is a registered charity offering support and information to anyone interested in angora goats.
BAGS primary aim is to further the improvement of angora goats in the UK by providing information on a wide variety of health and welfare topics and also maintains the official register of pedigree stock.
BAGS, in conjunction with BMM Ltd, disseminates up-to date information via the website, newsletters, the Year Book, and email and also has a presence at a variety of agricultural shows during the season.
The Breed Show is held as part of Royal Three Counties Show in June.
Charity No. 283163

BAGS is a registered Charity run by a committee of Trustees for the benefit of its members, and to provide information for anyone interested in angora goats.
- BAGS maintains the only official register of angora goat pedigree stock in the UK and, by means of this database, the pedigree of any registered animal can be traced back over many generations. This information is vital for the improvement of the British Angora Goat national flock.
If you breed angora goats and intend to sell stock it is advantageous to register your kids.
Registration is also a requirement for entries in show classes held according to BAGS rules.
- BAGS publishes a Breeders Directory to enable its members to reach a wider public in order to sell their stock, and a Directory of Producers of Mohair Goods for those who sell a wide range of skins, yarns, knitted and woven products.
The Directories are printed in the YearBook and also available at shows. They are also accessible on the website:
- BAGS provides, by means of a number of Fact Sheets, detailed up-to-date information to its members on the care and management of angora goats, including the prevention and treatment of various conditions and illnesses.
- BAGS produces 3 newsletters every year, plus an annual Year Book, packed with news, views, pictures and useful information about current disease concerns, developments in new drugs, and rules and regulations imposed by DEFRA and the EU.
Membership Fees
BAGS membership costs £30 per year (£35 for overseas residence). A herd prefix can be registered for a one-off payment of £11.75 and this, along with your BAGS membership, allows you to access all pedigree information on your herd from the online herd book.