British Mohair Marketing Ltd (BMM)
British Mohair Marketing Ltd is registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Register number: 26129R
It was originally registered on 15th June 1988 under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act.
The Society was formed primarily in order to organize the collection and sale of members’ mohair, usually on an annual basis.
The directors aim to maximise returns to producers, whatever the type of fibre put forward. To ensure the best financial return, presentation advice is available on shearing, sorting and packing.
Society No 26129R

Join BMM
- BMM is registered with FCA as a Mutual Society, run by the Board of Directors for the benefit of members. The AGM is held in April each year.
- BMM arranges the collection, grading and sale of members’ raw mohair fleece to the highest commercial bidder.
For many years this was via the Bradford mills in England, which were renowned world-wide for their expertise within the textiles industry. Recently however, significantly higher prices have been achieved by sending our mohair to South Africa, where angora goats and mohair are a major world industry.
- BMM provides detailed guidance on maximising the potential value of your mohair by correct shearing, sorting, packing and storing.
- BMM contributes to the BAGS newsletters and Year Books with articles about mohair, fleeces and products both at home and abroad.
- BMM maintains a members’ area on the website where current sales and marketing information is available.
The joining fee is £25 + VAT (£30.00) plus £1 for the share, making the total joining fee £31.00.
Contact BMM
Board of Directors
Doug Lockton
01994 419327
Society Secretary
Jo Beswick
07973 267111
Mark Snook-Bevis
01409 253731
Dot Tyler
01239 831282
Chris Tyler
01239 831282
Chris Tyler
01239 831282
Registered Office
The Lodge,
Kingcraft Farm,
Chambers Court,
Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 6AS
Eagle Accountancy (UK) Ltd,
2 Coracle Offices,
St Catherine Street,
Carmarthenshire, SA31 1RD
Anyone having difficulty please contact Dot Tyler via email at or by phoning 01239 83282
BMM Ltd is a Society registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014.
Annual accounts are made available to all members.
Details of the Annual Return are available to the public through the Mutuals Public Register