BMM 2020 Mohair Fleece Collection

The Board hopes that you are all well and are managing to overcome the difficulties that this terrible virus has caused us.

In view of the uncertainty of the coming few months both here and in South Africa the Board feels that our only course of action is to postpone the collection of mohair for 2020 until next year when hopefully we will be back to some sort of normality.

Please keep an eye on the website for any other updates and information.

Keep safe,


(Doug Lockton, BMM Chairman)

BAGS Letter From The Chairman

I hope this message finds you safe and well in these strange and difficult times. Some of us, have, of course been involved in previous lockdowns of premises and restriction on our movements, notably Foot & Mouth 2001, but this time it is the human who is at risk from a pandemic situation.

As you are aware, the AGM in April was postponed to an unknown date. We will keep you informed as to when it might be held as the months go by and we have greater freedom of movement and less difficulty in meeting with groups of people. Agricultural Shows have in the main been cancelled, Much will depend on how infections progress over the next month or so and what levels of restriction, such as social distancing, remain in place.

We are conscious that the current situation leads to a lack of direct contact and discussion on Angora Goat matters. We are looking to provide more contact from the Society by circulating Angora Goat related articles and information. If there are management or veterinary matters which you would like addressed, please let me via 01590 679921 or or Imogen via 07714 697380 or know and we will do our best to help.

We are all facing varying challenges at this time but I feel sure things will improve as the months go by.

Ian Mason