BMM 2021 Mohair Collection

This year’s collection will be on Saturday 2nd October in Longdon.

(Tewkesbury Glos GL20, 6AS)

Local collection points are listed below and mohair will need to be delivered here in the last week of September

Please could you let us know if you will be sending your mohair to the BMM collection and could you. give us an approximate idea of the amount (for example the number of BMM bags) you expect to be sending. Please send your estimate to Doug Lockton   Tel: 01994 419327 or email:

BMM bags are available at either the following collection points or from Stephen Whitley MRCVS Tel: 01494 861245. email:

Collection Points:-

Devon            Mark Snook-Bevis       01409 253731

(EX22 7JB)

East Anglia    David Norman            01480 472808

(MK44 3AX)

Hampshire     Ian Mason                  01590 679921

(SO41 5QW)

Midlands       Juliet Hill                     10522 778250

(NG23 7HA)

Wales            Doug Lockton             01994 419327

(SA66 7SB)

West             Jo Beswick                  07973 267111

(GL20 6AS)

Please contact your collection point to arrange the delivery of your mohair.